Permanent Cosmetics
Permanent Cosmetics
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WISHES DO COME TRUE ...Never apply your makeup again.  Delicate and Natural with a soft touch.

-- Karen Newman, Master's Certified

The RESULTS will blow you away.  Enhance your features with a flawless finish.  Soft natural brow colors, and delicate eye liner. Beautiful color in your lips.  Never have to apply your brows, eyeliner, or lipstick again.

Colors formulated for the area applied.  Every age benefits, every skin type, every ethnic background.  I provide you the maximum amount of comfort.  Clients say, "tweezing hurts more."

You'll wonder why you waited so long!


Eyebrows are the focal point of the face.  Sparse brows will appear fuller with several colors added to your existing brow hair. For those that do not have any brow hair, let me create the ‘perfect brow’ to compliment your facial features.  Brow pencil may be added to create dramatic evening effects.


I can create a soft, subtle lash enhancement that will make your eyes appear larger.  For a dramatic look, a ‘full eyeliner’ will enhance your eyes.  You choose colors from a soft brown to the darkest of blacks.  You will wake up, shower, excercise, swim, work and go to bed always looking your best.

Lip Color

Let me create the perfect lip color for your specific skin undertone.   Choosing the color that will enhance your natural beautiful lips, to a more defined lip line to a soft muted color.  Lipstick can also be worn over your existing permanent color to create a new look.  The tattoo of color actually builds/stimulates the collogen in the lip and decreases wrinkles upper lip.